The 23rd of September 2004 ACEL Holding ApS was established in connection with an ownership change of the wholesale dealer of electrical equipment, Aage Christensens Eftf. ApS (1910) and the production company Columbus ApS (1921).
One day later the holding company established an operating company, ACelSHOP ApS, which took over the activities from the other two companies.
The 1st of October 2004 the company continued its work in the same beautiful surroundings on Lille Strandstræde 14 just as in the past previous 79 years.

Several companies have been located on Lille Strandstræde throughout the years, especially German companies with cables, switches, lights, fuses and not least screws.
The clients are mostly wholesale dealers and OEM-companies.
Since the 1930s Columbus switches have been exported to the UK and that business is still performing quite well. Some parts of production are outsourced to Estonia and handicap workshops.
Because of the increased competition today ACelSHOP has expanded the assortment, mainly through own import, while new and exciting markets are going through rapid development.
Therefore, we have great future expectations.
Product development and, not least, new logistical solutions, that will be implemented both domestically and internationally in the next few years, has had a positive influence on managers which has motivated the employees.
History in figures:
ACelSHOP ApS receives Dagbladet Børsens Gazelle prize 2015.
2010 - 2013
ACelSHOP ApS appointed with the highest credit rating = AAA rating.
4th generation Hans Lippert Christensen takes over operation of Aage Christensen Eftf. ApS and Columbus Ltd. and via Acél Holding ApS forms ACelSHOP Ltd.
Columbus becomes Columbus automatic switch factory Ltd.
Columbus moves to Lille Strandstræde 14
Aage Christensen becomes Aage Christensen Eftf. ApS
Director Henning Lippert Christensen (Aage Christensen Eftf. ApS) takes over the I / S Columbus, automatic switch factory and converted into Columbus.
3rd generation Helle Christensen takes over at Henning Lippert Christensen as CEO
Second generation Axel Christensen takes over
I / S Columbus, Automatic Switch Factory moved to Rosenvaengets Alle 6, Østerbro
I / S Columbus changed its name to I / S Columbus, automatic switch Factory
I / S Columbus moved to Østerbrogade 29
Ferlov & Berendt Electro mechanical Etablissement changed for I / S Columbus
Mogens Cold, takes over operation in I/S Columbus
Aage Christensen moved to Lille Strandstræde 14
Aage Christensens got exclusive distribution of Columbus in Denmark
Columbus is founded - under the name Ferlov & Berendt Electro mechanical Etablissement - Østerbrogade 54C of Thorvald Ferlov, Svend Berendt and Albert George Kiær
Aage Christensen is founded in an apartment in Østerbro subsequently moved to Gråbrødretorv 17